Conference presentations & proceedings

- Dyer, M.J. et al. for the GOTO collaboration including Galloway, D. K. (2020).
The Gravitational-wave Optical Transient Observer (GOTO).
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020
[ arXiv:2012.02685 ]
- Dyer, M.J. et al. for the GOTO collaboration including Galloway, D. K. (2020).
Developing the GOTO telescope control system.
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020
[ arXiv:2012.02686 ]
- Dyer, M.J. et al. for the GOTO collaboration including Galloway, D. K. (2018).
A telescope control and scheduling system for the Gravitational-wave Optical Transient Observer (GOTO).
Proc. SPIE 10704, 10704C</br>
[ ADS |
arXiv:1807.01614 ]
- Galloway, D. K., Johnston, Z., Goodwin, A., Heger, A. (2018).
High-Energy Transients: Thermonuclear (Type-I) X-Ray Bursts.
Southern Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy, Proceedings of the IAU,
IAU Symposium, Volume 339, pp. 121-126.
[ CUP |
arXiv:1803.0223 ]
- in 't Zand, J.J.M., Bagnoli, T., D'Angelo, C., Patruno, A., Galloway, D. K., van der Klis, M.B.M., Watts, A.L., Marshall, H.L. (2017) Chandra spectroscopy of Rapid Burster type-I X-ray bursts. Submitted to Proceedings of 11th INTEGRAL conference (Amsterdam, October 2016), to be published in PoS
[ arXiv:1703.07221 ]
- Feroci, M. et al. including Galloway, D. K. (2016).
The LOFT mission concept: a status update.
Proc. SPIE 9905, id. 99051R.
[ SPIE |
- in 't Zand, J. J. M. et al. including Galloway, D. K. (2015).
The LOFT perspective on neutron star thermonuclear bursts.
White Paper in Support of the Mission Concept of the Large Observatory for
X-ray Timing (LOFT).
[ arXiv:1501.02776 ]
- Falanga M. et al. including Galloway, D. K. (2013).
Accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars: 10 years of INTEGRAL observations.
Proceedings of "An INTEGRAL view of the high-energy sky (the first 10 years)" the 9th INTEGRAL Workshop, October 15-19, 2012, Paris, France
[ ADS |
arXiv:1302.2843 ]
- Feroci, M. et al. including Galloway D. K. (2012).
LOFT: the Large Observatory For X-ray Timing.
Proc. SPIE 8443, id. 84432D</br>
[ SPIE |
arXiv:1209.1497 ]
- Barriga, P. et al. (2010) AIGO: a southern hemisphere detector
for the worldwide array of ground-based interferometric gravitational
wave detectors. CQGra 27, 084005
[ ADS ]
- Galloway D.K., Weinberg N., Marshall H., Yao Y., Ozel F., Guver T.
Searching for X-ray spectral features in expanding neutron-star
Invited talk at the Astronomical Society of Australia's 2008 AGM, 7-10
July 2008, Perth WA.
[ presentation
(3.08MB PDF) ]
- Galloway D.K., Morgan E.H., Chakrabarty D.
Breaking the AMSP Mould: the Increasingly Strange Case of HETE
J1900.1-2455. Invited talk at "A Decade of Accreting Millisecond
X-ray Pulsars" workshop, 14-18 April 2008, Amsterdam, NL.
[ presentation
(1.50MB PPT) | proceedings
paper ]
- Galloway D.K., Cumming A., in 't Zand J.J.M., Chakrabarty D.,
Hartman J., Muno M.P., Psaltis D.
complex and puzzling phenomenology of thermonuclear X-ray
bursts</b>. Invited talk in session L3: The Physics of X-ray Bursts,
at the April 2008 American Physical Society Meeting, St. Louis, USA.
presentation (10.2MB PPT) ]
- Galloway D.K., Yao Y., Marshall H.
Is the
"Slow Burster" an Ultracompact Binary?</a>. Poster #10.23 at the
American Astronomical Society's HEAD meeting 10, April 2008, Los Angeles,
[ Poster
(1.22MB PDF) ]
- Galloway D.K., Muno M. P., in't Zand J. J. M., Chakrabarty D.,
Chenevez J., Psaltis D., Hartman J. M., Keek L.
Burst Studies With Large Burst Samples. Poster #10.21 at the
American Astronomical Society's HEAD meeting 10, April 2008, Los Angeles,
[ Poster
(240kB PDF) ]
- Galloway D.K., Chakrabarty D., Morgan E.H., Kaaret P.
Observational evidence for gravitational waves from neutron stars and
prospects for detection. Invited talk at the 11th Marcel Grossman
meeting on General Relativity, July 2006, Berlin, Germany
- Galloway D.K., Morgan E.H., Chakrabarty D., Kaaret P. A "missing
link" between accretion-powered millisecond pulsars and non-pulsing
LMXBs Talk at the Astronomical Society of Australia meeting, July
2006, Canberra, Australia
- Galloway D.K. Pushing
the limit on neutron star spin rates
Talk at the 7th Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics, November
2005, Seoul, Korea
- Galloway D.K., Morgan E.H., Chakrabarty D., Kaaret P., Markwardt C.,
Strohmayer T.E. Accretion-powered
millisecond pulsar outbursts</a>.
Invited talk at "The Transient Milky Way: A Perspective for MIRAX"
workshop, December 2005, São José Dos Campos, Brazil
- Galloway D.K., Markwardt C.B., Morgan E.H., Chakrabarty D.,
Strohmayer T.E.
newest accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar: IGR J00291+5934.
Talk #17.06 at 206th American Astronomical Society meeting,
June 2005, Minneapolis MN
- Galloway D.K., Cumming A., Chakrabarty D.
fuel composition in thermonuclear bursts from millisecond X-ray
pulsars. Poster
#25.01 at the 8th HEAD meeting, September 2004, New Orleans LA
- Galloway D.K., Muno M.P., Chakrabarty D., Psaltis D., Hartman J.M.
bursts observed by RXTE: the MIT catalogue. Poster
#25.20 at the 8th HEAD meeting, September 2004, New Orleans LA
- Hartman J.M., Chakrabarty D., Galloway D.K.
for chirp oscillations in thermonuclear X-ray bursts. Poster
#25.13 at the 8th HEAD meeting, September 2004, New Orleans LA
- Galloway D.K., Chakrabarty D., Muno M.P., Juett A., Psaltis D.,
Cumming A. Recent progress in studies of low-mass X-ray binaries.
Invited talk at the "High Energy Phenomena in Astrophysics" workshop
held at MSO, Canberra, September-October 2004
- Galloway D.K., Chakrabarty D., Muno M.P., Psaltis D., Cumming A.
Studies of Thermonuclear X-ray bursts using Archival Data from RXTE.
Talk #73.06 at 203rd American Astronomical Society meeting, January
2004, Atlanta GA
- Galloway D.K., Chakrabarty D., Cumming A., Kuulkers E., Bildsten
L., and Rothschild R. Thermonuclear burst physics with RXTE.
Talk presented at the "X-ray Timing 2003: Rossi and Beyond" meeting held in
Cambridge, MA, November, 2003
[ ]
- Galloway D.K., Morgan E.H., Levine A.M. Timing noise and a
possible glitch in an accreting pulsar. Poster presentation at
IAU Symposium 218 (part of the XXVth General Assembly),
July 2003, Sydney
- Galloway D.K., Chakrabarty D., Muno M.P., Psaltis D., and Savov P.
Eddington-limited bursts. Invited talk at "Neutron Stars
on Fire: Thermonuclear Probes of Rotation, Magnetism,
and Nuclear Physics" workshop, May 11-13 2003, Institute for Advanced Study,
Princeton, NJ
- Morgan E., Galloway D.K., Chakrabarty D., Levine A.M. Tracking
the frequency and flux of the accretion-powered X-ray Pulsar KS
1947+300 #54.01,
201st American Astronomical Society Meeting, January 2003,
Seattle WA.
- Galloway D.K., Savov P., Psaltis D., Chakrabarty, D., Muno, M.P.
Inconstant peak fluxes of photospheric radius-expansion thermonuclear
X-ray bursts #S11.004,
HEAD/AAS meeting held jointly with the American Physical Society April
Meeting, April 20-23 2002, Albuquerque NM.
- Muno M.P., Chakrabarty D., Galloway D.K. Millisecond
oscillations in thermonuclear X-ray bursts. #N17.096, HEAD/AAS
meeting held jointly with the American Physical Society April Meeting,
April 20-23 2002, Albuquerque NM.
- Levine A.M., Galloway D.K., Morgan E.H. RXTE study of the
HMXB pulsar KS 1947+300. #N17.064, HEAD/AAS meeting held jointly with
the American Physical Society April Meeting, April 20-23 2002, Albuquerque NM.
- Galloway D.K., Sokoloski J.L, Uttley P. RXTE
Observations of 4U 1900+24/HD 154791: a Symbiotic Neutron-Star Binary
#159.03, 199th American Astronomical Society Meeting, 2001.
- Galloway D.K., Giles A.B., Wu K., Greenhill J.G.
Accretion column eclipses in the X-ray pulsars GX 1+4 and RX J0812.4-3114.
#22.12, HEAD/AAS meeting #32, November 2000, Honolulu, HI
- Chakrabarty D., Galloway D.K., Muno M.P., Savov P.
Millisecond Oscillations and Related Sidebands During Type I X-Ray
#29.04, HEAD/AAS meeting #32, November 2000, Honolulu, HI
- Galloway D.K., Wu K. Beaming due to Comptonization in X-ray
Pulsars. Proceedings, "IAU Colloquium 177: Pulsar Astronomy - 2000
and Beyond", Bonn, Germany, August 29 - September 3 1999
[ ]
- Galloway D.K., Wu K. X-ray Beaming in the High Magnetic
Field Pulsar GX 1+4. Proceedings, "X-ray '99: Stellar endpoints, AGN
and the Diffuse Background", Bologna, Italy, September 6-10 1999
[ ]
- Galloway D.K., Giles A.B., Greenhill J.G., Storey M.C., Swank J. A
serendipitous RXTE observation of the strong field X-ray pulsar
GX 1+4, #38.07, HEAD/AAS meeting #31, April 1999,
Charleston SC
- Galloway D.K., Wolanski E., King B. (1996).
Coastal Oceanography Data Visualisation using Data Explorer.</A>
Proceedings, Data Explorer Symposium, October 28-29, 1996, San
Francisco, USA.
[ ]
- Galloway D.K., Wolanski E., King B. (1995).
Modelling eddy formation in coastal waters: a comparison between model
capabilities. </A>Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modelling, October 26-28, 1995,
San Diego, California USA.
- King B., Collins P., Galloway D.K., Wolanski, E. Animation
techniques for visualizing coastal flow dynamics.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on
Estuarine and Coastal Modelling, October 26-28, 1995, San Diego,
California USA.

22nd January 2022