Improved precision on Sco X-1 orbital parameters
Our program Precision Ephemeridies for Gravitational wave
Searches (PEGS) posted it's first result this month, with the
publication of refined orbital parameters for the X-ray binary Sco X-1.
This remarkable source was the first X-ray binary ever discovered, and
it's 19 hr orbital period was already known to unusually high
precision thanks to 89 years of photometric observations. Thanks to
spectroscopic measurements from 2011, analysed by Monash PhD student
Shakya Premachandra,we made a significantly more
precise measurement, and also projected the uncertainties (including the
effects of additional observations) forward into the Advanced LIGO/Virgo
observing epoch. The paper is out this month in the
Astrophysical Journal.
Read the paper
Labels: 2014, gravitational waves