Detection of an optical counterpart to a binary neutron star merger
The milestones just keep coming this year for the burgeoning field of
gravitational wave astronomy. Closely following the first
"triple coincidence"
detection of a black hole merger (with the two LIGO instruments joined by
the Italian
Virgo instrument), comes the announcement
yesterday of the first detection of a
binary neutron-star
merger, which was — spectacularly — accompanied by a
gamma-ray transient
detected by
Fermi GBM.
Things just got more exciting when an optical counterpart was detected for
the gamma-ray and gravitational-wave source, with the
Swope Telescope in Chile.
The counterpart, named SSS17a, was subsequently followed by an estimated 70
different observational groups (including a
range of Australian facilities
coordinated via the
OzGRav Centre of Excellence).
A literal frenzy of activity followed, culminating in the LIGO press release
in the early hours (Australian time) yesterday, and followed by our own
press event at Old Parliament House yesterday morning.
It is hard to quantify the impact of this event; the announcement was accompanied
by an estimated
76 papers (with likely more to come).
Sadly, our own
GOTO telescope missed out on this
event, but the optical brightness indicates that future events will be easily
detectable, and validates our instrumental design. The prospects for
additional detections when O3 begins (in late 2018) are excellent.
Labels: 2017, gravitational waves