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Tue Oct 5, 2004

Australian tour 2004

Here is a talk (PDF file) that I gave to the High Energy Phenomena in Astrophysics workshop, MSO, Canberra, Australia, and later at the University of Melbourne.

Abstract: The last 10 years has seen rapid growth in our knowledge about, and understanding of, accreting neutron stars in low-mass binary systems. The fast timing capability of RXTE has enabled detection of several different classes of kHz variability, which provide clues as to the distribution of rotation speeds of neutron stars. Better numerical models and expanded thermonuclear reaction networks, in combination with extensive archived datasets, are allowing ever more detailed investigations of X-ray burst physics. The high spectral resolution of Chandra and XMM have allowed detection (in a few cases) of discrete features, from which we may deduce the properties of the neutron stars. Along with a summary of progress in these areas I hope to touch on prospects for the near future.

Labels: 2004, meetings

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