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Fri Jul 20, 2012


The 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly was held this week at the remarkable Infosys Global Education Centre, Mysore, India. I gave an invited talk on observations of thermonuclear bursts to session E1.3, Multi-wavelength Studies of Compact Objects with Focus on ASTROSAT. ASTROSAT is a multi-wavelength astronomy mission under development by the Indian Space Research Organisation. The satellite features a large-area proportional counter (similar to the RXTE/PCA), as well as two imaging instruments with good low-energy X-ray sensitivity, an all-sky monitor, and an optical instrument. The capabilities are well suited to burst studies, and it will be very exciting to see what new discoveries will follow the launch (expected in 2013). I also gave a talk in session E1.7, Beyond the Continuum: X-ray Line Spectroscopy of Compact Objects. Although a rather difficult trip, it was also productive, and I managed to catch up with many collaborators and friends, as well as visiting India for the first time.
Observations of thermonuclear bursts (2.0MB PDF)

Labels: 2012, meetings

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