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Tue Oct 23, 2012

High-Energy Astrophysics Telecons resume

The high-energy (and gravitational wave) astrophysics community in Australia has always been a bit under the radar, with a relatively small number of internationally recognised (but widely-dispersed) researchers. From 2006—9 I scheduled regular teleconferences to bring together researchers in the field, which provided a great way for this community to interact and share information. With the loss of a few key participants in 2009, these telecons ceased. However, with the influx of new researchers to astrophysics over the last few years, thanks to the Super Science fellowship scheme and other initiatives, the number of researchers with some interest in this field is larger than perhaps any time before. As a result, I'm happy to announce the first High-Energy Astrophysics Telecon (or HEAT) for 2012. Curtin's James Miller-Jones will report on recently-discovered evidence for intermediate-mass black holes in M22.

HEAT website next telecon 2pm AEDT 23rd October 2012

Labels: 2012, meetings

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