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Thu Feb 6, 2014

Australian Astronomy Decadal Plan 2016—25

</a> Every ten years the Australian astronomy community collaborates to produce a plan covering the next decade. The National Committee for Astronomy kicked the planning for the period 2016—25 off last year, and teams of working groups are already busy preparing their submissions. As part of the process, there will be a series of "town-hall" style meetings to allow interested individuals and groups to provide input to the planning process. The first such meeting will be held next Friday, 14th February, here at Monash, and will cover working groups 1.2 (stars and planets) and 1.4 (high energy and fundamental astrophysics, which I chair). Please come along and have your say about the future direction of astronomy in Australia!

For more information see the Decadal Plan web site

Labels: 2014, meetings

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