MIRAX workshop, Brazil
In December I attended the MIRAX workshop at INPE in São José dos Campos, Brazil. This is a nice, small-scale mission to be launched in 2010/11 which will use the BeppoSAX flight spare WFC camera, as well as a wide-field hard X-ray detector to be built by UCSD. Lots of interesting talks about X-ray transients and the science you can do with dedicated, long-term monitoring. Amongst the current and past monitoring projects mentioned are
- INTEGRAL source light-curves at http://isdc.unige.ch/index.cgi?Data+sources
- INTEGRAL galactic bulge monitoring at http://isdc.unige.ch/Science/BULGE
- INTEGRAL HMXB monitoring at http://pulsar.astro.warwick.ac.uk/gps
- BATSE earth occultation monitoring at http://f64.nsstc.nasa.gov/batse/occultation/ </ul> Observations of transient LMXB pulsars (PDF file)