A brand-new bursting X-ray binary
While examining RXTE data for the
MINBAR project two summers ago,
Jean in 't Zand unexpectedly
a brand-new bursting source, XMMU J181227.8—181234.
PhD student Adelle Goodwin's
paper on the source has been accepted by MNRAS.
The source is quite unusual; distant and hence low-intensity, but apparently
a high accretion rate leading to frequent (but weak) bursts. The shape of
the bursts strongly implies H-poor accreted composition, but we also found
evidence for short recurrence-time bursts, which previously have been seen
only in H-rich accretors.
Hopefully the source will go into outburst again sometime soon and we can
gather more information on it's properties.
Read the paper (MNRAS 486, 4149, 2019)