Search for spectral features in PRE bursts
Thermonuclear bursts that show photospheric radius-expansion (PRE) are
pretty rare in most sources, so much so that Chandra has only
observed a few of them in a decade of observations. In 2006 we made an
observation of a prolific PRE burster, 4U 1728-34, to try to catch some
bursts and search for spectral features near the peak. We got plenty of
bursts, but only 4 of them were likely PRE, and we saw no features. But, we
did find evidence for an extremely weak periodic variation in the X-ray
intensity, which if orbital in nature, means the neutron star orbits its
mass donor once every 10.77 minutes! Our paper was just accepted by ApJ, and
is available at arXiv:1009.2296.
Labels: 2010, spectroscopy