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Mon Jun 23, 2014

Influence of accretion geometry on bursts

One of the interesting outcomes of our ISSI international team on thermonuclear bursts was the work by Juri Poutanen (U. Turku) and his then-student Jari Kajava (now an ESAC research fellow), showing that the spectral evolution during the burst proceeded in characteristically different ways, depending upon the persistent spectral state of the source at the time of the burst. The persistent X-rays from burst sources arises from accretion, and these sources are found in two broad states: hard and soft, which are thought to indicate different physical conditions in the accretion flow. Juri's paper ( concerned the well-known burster and transient 4U 1608—52, while a companion paper led by Jari ( extended this analysis to 10 other sources. Those who study bursts are increasingly concerned with the interaction of bursts and the accretion environment, and these results are helping to determine just how these two phenomena are relatied. Juri's paper was just accepted by MNRAS, and Jari's paper has been submitted.

Read the papers arXiv:1405.2663 & arXiv:1406.0322

Labels: 2014, thermonuclear bursts

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