Aspen winter transients meeting
This week I visited Aspen, CO for the
Physics of Astronomical Transients meeting, at the remarkable
Aspen Center for Physics. There is an
increasing focus on transient astronomy at present, and astrophysicsts are
racing to understand the physics of new phenomena that are being
discovered by wide-field, automated instruments and observing programs such
as NASA's Swift
satellite, the Pan-STARRS
program, and others. I presented a poster on the
Variables and
Slow Transients program for the
Australian Square Kilometre
Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) which is expected to uncover a wealth of new
transient discoveries when it commences in 2013 or so.
Survey Science with ASKAP: Variables and Slow Transients (VAST) (8.5 MB vector PDF)
Labels: 2012, transients